What is the Chances of Winning the Green Card Lottery?

The Diversity Visa Lottery, also referred to as the Green Card Lottery, provides individuals from eligible countries with the opportunity to apply for permanent residency in the United States.

Each year, millions of people participate in the lottery, hoping to live and work in the U.S. However, the chances of winning the Green Card Lottery are slim, as the number of available visas is limited. In this article, we will delve into the basics of the Diversity Visa Lottery and shed light on the odds of winning the lottery.

Factors Affecting the Chances of Winning the Green Card Lottery

Several factors can impact an individual’s chances of winning the green card lottery.

The number of entries received:

  •  The number of entries received each year can significantly impact an individual’s chance of winning the Green Card Lottery.
  • In the previous year, over 14.7 million entries were received, which is a significant increase from the 10 million entries.
  • With more entries received, the odds of winning decrease.

The total number of visas available:

Statistics from the previous year’s Diversity Visa Lottery

According to the official data, a total of 71,977 applications were received for the previous years Diversity Visa Lottery. Out of these, 54335 were issued a diversity visa, while 8243 were refused. A further 29 were placed on hold for further processing, and 29 were selected as transit cases.

Here is a breakdown of the number of winners by region/country:

Africa: 27350

Asia: 14303

Europe: 11,008

North America: 12


South America: 2277

The overall chance of winning a diversity visa in the previous year lottery was approximately 47.4%, which is higher than the previous year’s odds of 44%.

Odds of Winning in Recent Years

Winning the Green Card Lottery can be a challenging task, and your odds of winning can depend on various factors. One of the most significant factors is the country of your birth. If you were born in a country that sends a high number of applications, your chances of winning the green card lottery may be lower than if you were born in a country with fewer applicants. This is because the Diversity Visa Lottery system allocates a maximum of 7% of the total visas to each country, so a high number of applications can result in intense competition and lower chances of success.

It is worth noting that the odds of winning in the Green Card Lottery vary from year to year, and previous data can provide insights into the chances of success. In recent years, the overall odds of winning the lottery have ranged from around 1% to 4%, depending on the number of applicants and the total visas available. However, the odds can differ significantly based on an applicant’s country of birth, making it crucial to understand the selection criteria and factors that can affect your chances of winning the green card lottery.

Comparison to Previous Years

Analyzing data from previous years’ Diversity Visa Lotteries can provide insights into any notable differences or trends in the odds of winning.

For example, the overall chance of winning a diversity visa in the previous year’s lottery was approximately 47.4%, which is higher than the previous year’s odds of 44%. However, this increase in odds may be due to a variety of factors, such as changes in the number of available visas or shifts in the number of applications received from certain regions or countries.

In the previous year, a total of 11,771,856 applications were received for the Diversity Visa Lottery, with 5,630 of these being issued a diversity visa. This amounts to an overall chance of winning of only 0.05%. The number of applications received in the previous year was higher than the previous year, indicating an ongoing trend of increasing interest in the Diversity Visa program.

Overall, while the odds of winning the Diversity Visa Lottery can vary from year to year, it is clear that the competition remains fierce and applicants should carefully consider all factors that may affect their chances of success.

Other Factors Affecting the Odds of Winning

In addition to the factors mentioned above, the number of applications from each eligible country can also impact an individual’s chances of winning. For instance, if a high number of applications are received from a particular country, only a small percentage of applicants from that country will be selected, leading to lower chances of winning the green card lottery.

It is also important to note that changes to the selection process or eligibility requirements can affect the odds of winning. For example, in recent years, there have been changes to the list of eligible countries, with some countries being added or removed. Additionally, there have been changes to the application process, such as introducing a digital photo requirement in the previous year. These changes can impact the number of applications received and the selection process, leading to changes in the odds of winning.

Alternative Route to Get a Green Card For The USA

In addition to the EB-5 visa program, there are other alternative routes for obtaining a green card in the United States:

  • Family-Based Immigration: If you have a close family member who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, they can sponsor you for a green card. The process involves filing a petition and waiting for a visa to become available, which can take several years depending on the relationship and country of origin.
  • Employment-Based Immigration: If you have a job offer from a U.S. employer, they may be able to sponsor you for a green card. The process involves obtaining a labor certification and filing a petition with the USCIS. There are several employment-based categories, each with its requirements and waiting times.
  • Diversity Immigrant Visa Program: Also known as the Green Card Lottery, this program provides 55,000 visas each year to individuals from countries with low rates of immigration to the U.S. The selection is done through a random lottery system, and there are strict eligibility requirements.
  • Refugee or Asylum Status: If you are fleeing persecution or danger in your home country, you may be eligible for refugee or asylum status in the U.S. This can lead to a green card and eventually citizenship.
  • Special Immigrant Status: There are several categories of special immigrants, including religious workers, foreign medical graduates, and certain juvenile immigrants. Each category has its own eligibility requirements and application process.

It’s important to note that each of these alternative routes has its requirements, waiting times, and potential challenges. It’s best to consult with an experienced immigration attorney to determine the best path for your situation.

Considerations for Applicants

When applying for the Green Card Lottery, it is crucial to provide accurate and truthful information. Any false or fraudulent information may lead to disqualification, and in some cases, even a lifetime ban from entering the United States. It is important to note that even minor discrepancies can result in the rejection of an application.

Applicants should take extra care to ensure that their application is free of errors and is completed in full. Any missing or incomplete information can result in the disqualification of an application. It is also essential to provide updated contact information to ensure that the applicant can be reached in case of any issues.

There are several resources available to help applicants with the Green Card Lottery application process. The U.S. Department of State provides detailed instructions on its website, along with a list of frequently asked questions. Additionally, many private companies and organizations assist with the application process for a fee. However, it is essential to exercise caution when using these services and to ensure that they are reputable and trustworthy.


In conclusion, the United States offers various ways for foreign nationals to become permanent residents, including through family, employment, and humanitarian channels. Each pathway has its requirements, and it’s essential to seek professional guidance to understand the process fully. It’s also important to note that immigration laws and policies may change over time, so staying informed and up-to-date is crucial for anyone considering immigration to the United States.